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  • 2021 Advocacy Day in Sacramento

2021 Advocacy Day in Sacramento

  • Tuesday, August 24, 2021
  • 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • State Capitol, 1315 10th Street, Sacramento, CA

Hello FPA Members!

Financial Planning as a profession is at a critical juncture. New laws, rules and regulations concerning our profession are being put into place across the country, with or without the input of Financial Planners.

While the Legislators' intentions of protecting investors from predators may come from a good place, some of the proposals will have unintended consequences.

The Financial Planning Association of California asks you to step up and join our advocacy efforts to let legislators and regulators know FPA opinions on proposed legislation and our profession.

We are going to Sacramento on August 24th, 2021. This is our 9th annual visit to "the Hill". I urge you to join your fellow FPA members from around the state to meet with your elected representatives.

FPA of California events will comply with the current Local, State and Federal requirements.

Why is your participation important?  Without you (a constituent who lives in the district) we are unable to meet with your Senator or Assemblymember. We must comment on current bills and policies that are most important to Financial Planners and help protect our clients. These conversations will help determine the future of our profession.

To register for the August 24th, 2021 Advocacy Day, please complete the online form.


Note: You will need to supply the names and contact information for your Senator and Assemblymember by August 9th. To find out who they are, HERE is a link to find your California elected official based on your district of residence (once on their website, click on the Contact Us tab)

August 23rd: You are invited to join us in Sacramento on Monday night. FPA of California is hosting a dinner for all Advocacy Day participants at The Rio City Café, on the Riverwalk near the Embassy Suites. Click HERE to register to attend the dinner.

Also, we have a block of rooms at a discounted rate at the Embassy Suites - available on a first come, first served basis for members who need to arrive Monday night to be ready for the 7:00am Tuesday morning training meeting. More info for Embassy Suites reservations will be provided in late June.

August 24th: We meet in the Embassy Suites near the Capitol and Riverwalk for a hosted breakfast and orientation at 7:00am. Then we head to the Capitol for visits with our State Senators and/or Assembly Members. 

Are you new to Advocacy?  Not to worry, we usually send 2 to 3 members to each legislator office to meet in a tag team approach. You will have a team to support you.

We offer FINANCIAL SUPPORT. The FPA of California is committed to helping our members engage in Advocacy Day on behalf of the Financial Planning Association. While we are asking you to take a day off work and volunteer your time, we are pleased to be able to defer some of the travel and hotel costs (available to the first 30 members who register to join us in Sacramento.) For specifics on the financial support available this year, please speak to your chapter Director of Advocacy.

Register now to participate in a powerful and exciting day participating in the democratic process in support of our profession. We look forward to another successful Advocacy Day!



Steve Carder

2021 President, FPA of California  

Email: president@fpaca.org   

Website: www.fpaca.org

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Financial Planning Association of Los Angeles is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization.

Phone:  (323) 510-4870    Mail:  In care of Premium Organization, P.O. Box 4130  Scottsdale, AZ 85261

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